Latino Book Awards

Congrats to Jennine Capo Crucet–winner of the best Latino-themed fiction book, Make Your Home Among Strangers.

ACA Fellowship

Congratulations to Natasha Tretheway–recipient of the Academy of American Poet’s 2016 Fellowship.

Home to Humanity

LA Review of Books explores Linda Gregerson’s latest collection of poetry, Prodigal: New and Selected Poems, 1976–2014.

LA Review of Books

LA Review of Books looks back to Linda Gregerson‘s second collection of poetry, The Woman Who Died In Her Sleep (1996).

Kenyon Review

Linda Gregerson talks to Kenyon Review about revisiting Ovid, throwing her voice, and poems that remain open to interference.

Poems in the Air

Simon Armitage speaks to The Chronicle about his latest project, celebrating special places with poems you can’t read.

Motor City Verse

Jamaal May and Composer Andrew Harrison collaborate on project that folds poetry from Hum into original music, as reported by Canberra Times.

U.N. Admits Guilt

After years of denial, the UN confesses guilt in Haiti cholera epidemic. Jonathan M. Katz, who witnessed events firsthand, writes for the NY Times.