Publishers Weekly
Writer and educator Philip Schultz on how his passion for writing lead to his second-calling: teaching.
Writer and educator Philip Schultz on how his passion for writing lead to his second-calling: teaching.
A review of Ocean Vuong’s Night Sky with Exit Wounds: It is the frequency on which these poems exist that matters, their urgency.
George Saunders on public and private spheres of suffering and his list of books for solace in an age of rancor.
Juan Felipe Herrera discusses the power of poetry and his work with Chicago Public Schools with Chicago Tonight.
Listen to Sarah Manguso discuss her latest, 300 Arguments, a collection of aphorisms for modern times.
Aja Monet’s My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter included in 15 Books to Read this May: Monet more than rises; she stays aloft.
Several poets, including Marie Howe and Marilyn Nelson, offer New York City a surprise in Grand Central Terminal: poetry!
An interview with Aja Monet whose powerful activism is illustrated in My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter.
An interview with Sarah Manguso on twitter, aphorisms, and exposition: Dig into the shame.
Claudia Rankine and Will Rawls partner in this expression examining the state of surveillance and what it means to be human.