Anthony Cody

Poet & Editor
American Book Award
Whiting Award

Readings &
Lecture Topics
  • Borders and Borderlessness
  • Docupoetics
  • The Archive 
  • Visual Poetics
  • Ecopoetics
  • Invented and Historical Poetic Forms
  • Latinx Histories/Identities
  • Experimental Writing
  • Multidisciplinary Practices
  • An Evening with Anthony Cody


“Cultural and environmental devastations and displacements are indexed and mapped to shape a narrative that is personal, communal, spiritual, lexical, lyrical, translational, material, multi-modal and off-the-page-virtual. This is mind blowing art for our past and future apocalypse.” –Daniel Borzutzky

“Anthony Cody unearths long-ago buried maps, trails, images, figures, and faces and vibrations of the lost, the hanged and the lynched untold stories of the Mexicans in their own lands occupied and taken.” –American Book Award Jury Citation

“Focused on immigration, detention, and survival around the U.S.-Mexico border, Cody’s fierce, righteously outraged work deserves shelf space near other recent monuments of highly political, partly conceptual poetry: m. nourbeSe philips’s Zong!,  for example, or Layli Long Soldier’s Whereas.” –Stephanie Burt

Anthony Cody is a CantoMundo fellow from Fresno, California with lineage in the Bracero Program and Dust Bowl. He is the author of The Rendering (Omnidawn, 2023) and Borderland Apocrypha (Omnidawn, 2020), selected by Mei-mei Berssenbrugge as winner of the 2018 Omnidawn Open Book Prize, a collection which also went on to win the 2022 Whiting Award, the 2021 American Book Award, and the 2021 Southwest Book Award.

In his most recent, experimental collection The Rendering, Cody grapples with questions of wholeness and annihilation in an Anthropocenic world where the fallout of settler colonialism continues to inflict environmental and cultural devastation. Observing the work as “a heat-stroked ‘dreamache,’” Douglas Kearney writes, “Anthony Cody does to the poem what desert sun does to signage—cracks it open, peels it back, tears letters away to expose the blistered surface underneath. Drama, documentary, epic, and ekphrasis gather here to be shattered by Cody’s dynamic visual praxis and turbulent dread, smoking wreckage at a dead end of US ‘ancientfuture.'”

His debut, Bordland Apocrypha – also a 2020 National Book Award Finalist in Poetry and a 2021 PEN/Jean Stein Book Award Finalist – centers around the collective histories of and responds to the destabilized, hostile landscapes and silenced histories of borderlands terrors, excavating the traumas born of turbulence at borderlands.

Cody co-edited How Do I Begin?: A Hmong American Literary Anthology (Heyday, 2011), as well as co-edited and co-translated Juan Felipe Herrera’s Akrílica (Noemi Press, 2022). His work has appeared in The Academy of American Poets: Poem-A-Day Series, Gulf Coast, and Ninth Letter, among others. In 2020, he was honored as a Poets & Writers debut poet.

He is co-publisher of Noemi Press, and serves as a poetry editor for Omnidawn. Cody collaborates with Juan Felipe Herrera and the Laureate Lab Visual Wordist Studio, and most recently was visiting professor of poetry at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

Cody lives with his partner, the poet Mai Der Vang, and their son. He is currently faculty in poetry at Randolph College’s Low Residency MFA Program.

Short Bio

Anthony Cody is the author of The Rendering (Omnidawn, 2023) and Borderland Apocrypha (Omnidawn, 2020), winner of the 2018 Omnidawn Open Book Prize. His debut has been recognized as a winner of a 2022 Whiting Award, a 2021 American Book Award, a 2020 Southwest Book Award, and a Poets & Writers 2020 Debut Poet. Cody was a finalist for the National Book Award, PEN/Jean Stein Book Award, and L.A. Times Book Award, among others. He is a CantoMundo fellow from Fresno, CA with lineage in the Bracero Program and Dust Bowl. He is co-publisher of Noemi Press and serves as an editor for Omnidawn. Cody teaches at Randolph College’s Low Residency MFA Program.

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